How To Get Your Knee Injury Treated Quickly
A Comprehensive Guide to Getting the Most Out of Your Appointment
As NHS waiting lists for knee surgery continue to grow, many patients are understandably concerned about the time it may take to receive the needed treatment. However, there…

How to avoid knee injuries playing hockey
All of us during our sporting career will be aware of minor aches and pains during and after high-impact sports-related training and match sessions. For the vast majority of us, these will be short-term issues such as overuse and inflammation-related…

A Guide to Good Practice for Revision Knee Replacement
Patient's or Allied Health Professionals wanting to understand more about the best practice for revision total knee replacement may find this guide informative.

A healthcare professional’s guide to managing ACL injuries
Patient's or Allied Health Professionals wanting to understand more about the clinical management of anterior cruciate ligament injuries may find this guide informative.

Knee arthroscopy: The procedure, advantages and recovery
An arthroscopy is a ‘keyhole’ daycase surgical procedure, performed under a general anaesthetic, that specialist knee surgeons use to visualise, diagnose and treat many different problems inside the native or even replaced knee joint.

Golfers keep knees on par with expert advice from specialists
More than 20 people with painful knee issues, attended a free information evening all about knees at Boundary Lakes Golf Club at the Ageas Bowl in Southampton, last week.
Men and women, young and old, braved the chilly weather to take advantage…

Does knee arthritis mean you need a knee replacement?
The answer is no, not at all.
For many years Philip Chapman-Sheath has successfully managed arthritic symptoms in knees with pain relief, steroid or viscosupplementation knee injections, along with physiotherapy and orthotic interventions.